The synchronous ports (SYNC)

Configuration of the synchronous ports
Statistics of the synchronous ports
SNMP Traps generated for the SYNC ports

Synchronous ports are the communication ports of the Abilis boards HSCB, ESB and ESB2.

The SYNC supplies the following services:

Data, received from the upper level ports, are online transmitted as HDLC frames, including either the beginning/ending frame flags and the CRC, to which is applied the "zero bit stuffing" procedure, as expected by the standard HDLC protocol.

Data, online received, are directed to the upper level ports. The beginning/ending frame flags and the CRC are, as usually, controlled and the "stuffing" zero bit is removed. Only those frames which pass the controls are sent to upper level ports.

Configuration of the synchronous ports top

The synchronous port is referred by the "SYNC" abbreviation and it has all the parameters described in this chapter.

Here is an example of the SYNC port parameters.

[18:17:22] ABILIS_CPX: D P PO:1 

PO:1   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYNC   LOG:DS      int:V24     CLK:EXT        SP:19200     CODING:NRZ   MPX:NO      
       IDLE:FLAG   FDCD:500    FCTS:500       mode:FULL    RTSDLY:0     CD:NO     
       frame:2100  d-rxbuf:14  dma-rxbuf:10   dma-txbuf:1     

To activate any change made on the lowercase parameters, the system has to be started again, on the contrary for the uppercase parameters it is enough to submit the initialization command INIT PO:. The changes made on the LOG: parameter are immediately active.

Details of the SYNC ports parameters

LOG: Events logging activation and generation of alarm signals
DS NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL, +E

Usually this parameter makes possible to activate/deactivate logging functionalities of meaningful events of the port as well as the detection and signalling of alarms in case of critical events.

The following table shows the available options and the related functionalities usable by the parameter:

Option Meaning
D Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in Debug Log
S Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in the System Log
A Periodic detection of possible alarms. The detected alarms can be displayed the command ALARM VIEW or by the analogous command available on the UTILITY of the LCD display on the front panel
L On alarm detection, acoustic signal generation plus a message on the LCD display. This function depends on activation of alarms detection by the "A" option
T Generation by the Agent SNMP of Abilis CPX of SNMP traps corresponding to any change of the driver state and/or occurring of meaningful events

Beside the already described options the following values are also allowed:

Option Meaning
NO It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are disabled.
ALL It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are enabled.
+E This option added to one or more of the previous ones, extends its (their) set of meaningful events.
The value "ALL+E" activates all the options and extends the set of meaningful events.
The value "NO+E" is meaningless so it is ignored.

Options can be combined together.

Some examples:

By using the characters "+" and "-" as prefix of one or more options is possible to add or delete one or more functionalities without setting from the scratch the value of the parameters.

Some examples:

warning! The changes made on this parameter are immediately activated, without the need of initialization commands.

INT: Electric interface
V24 V24, V35, X21

On a running CPX it specifies which interface module has been installed on the communication board, which is automatically detected at system startup.

In the Off-line configurator it just specifies the "expected" interface or the interface detected the last time the system ran.

V24 is equivalent to EIA RS232 and CCITT V24/V28 interfaces.

CLK: Synchronism type

It sets the synchronism signal (clock) source, which is going to be used for data transmitting and receiving.

The ESB boards have less options than the HSCB ones.

This parameter has also relationship with the line coding type, configured in the parameter CODING:. The following table shows the available combinations between both parameters:

HSCB board

CODING value: CLK value: Source:
NRZ, NRZI, MAN, FM0, FM1 EXT Tx and Rx clock must be supplied from the outside
NRZ, NRZI, MAN, FM0, FM1 INT Tx and Rx clock are generated inside the board and supplied to the outside
NRZ, NRZI SYM Tx clock is generated inside the board and be supplied to the outside;
Rx clock must be provided by external signal
MAN, FM0, FM1 PCLK 625 kbit/sec Tx and Rx clock are generated inside the board

ESB board

CODING value: CLK value: Source:
NRZ, NRZI EXT Tx and Rx clock must be supplied from the outside
NRZ, NRZI INT Tx and Rx clock are generated inside the board and supplied to the outside
NRZ, NRZI SYM Tx clock is generated inside the board and supplied to the outside;
Rx clock must be provided by external signal

SP: Speed
2400 from 2400 up to 2048000 bit/sec.

It sets the internal clock frequency. Refer to the parameter CLK: for its real use.

Binary coding, configurable in the parameter CODING:, also influences the speed. The following table shows the range of "SP" allowed values, according to the parameter "CODING:":

CODING value: SP value:
NRZ, NRZI 2400 - 2500000 bit/sec
MAN, FM0, FM1 2400 - 156250 bit/sec

Important: if the speed is less than 19.200 bit/sec, SP value should be the same as the real speed, even in case of tx/rx external synchronism (CLK:EXT).

CODING: Binary coding type

It allows to choose the desired binary coding.

The value "MAN" means the Manchester coding has been chosen, but it requires a suitable interface with a Manchester coder.

This parameter has relationship either with speed (parameter SP:) and the synchronism type (parameter CLK:). The following table shows the allowed combinations of the parameters:

CODING value: SP value: CLK value:
NRZ, NRZI 2400 - 2048000 bit/sec EXT, INT, SIM
MAN, FM0, FM1 2400 - 156250 bit/sec EXT, INT, PCLK

IDLE: Way of managing the "Idle" state

It allows to select how to manage the "Idle" state.

FDCD: Time interval of the DCD signal stability
500 0 - 65535 milliseconds

It sets the time interval necessary to detect the DCD signal state. It is checked every CPU tick (55 milliseconds c.a.) and, in order to avoid detection of useless fluctuations, it is considered valid only if constant during the time interval defined by the parameter.

FCTS: Time interval of the CTS signal stability
500 0 - 65535 (in milliseconds)

It sets the time interval necessary to detect the CTS signal state. It is checked every CPU tick (55 milliseconds c.a.) and, in order to avoid detection of useless fluctuations, it is considered valid only if constant during the time interval defined by the parameter.

MODE: Half/Full duplex operating mode.

It sets the transmission/receiving mode.

Value Meaning
FULL Full duplex mode, the signal RTS is always active.
HDTE Half duplex-DTE mode, the signal RTS is activated only when each frame has to be sent. The level 1 driver waits the CTS signal to start sending data.
HDCE Half duplex-DCE, where, once the CTS is received, the RTS one must be activated after the time interval, defined RTSDLY is elapsed..

The parameter "MODE:" is used only to properly check the RTS signal. Actually, Level 1 driver is always able to work in Full duplex mode.

RTSDLY: Activation delay of the RTS signal (HALF-DCE mode)
0 0 - 255

It sets the activation delay of the RTS signal in case of Half duplex-DCE operating mode.

CD: Checking activation of the signal DCD

It allows to check the signal DCD.

If it is set to "NO", the Level 1 state is "UP".

If it is set to "YES", the Level 1 state is directly depending on the signal DCD state.

FRAME: Maximum frame length (except Flags and CRC).
2100 128 - 2100 bytes

It sets the maximum frame length, excluding Flags and CRC.

D-RXBUF: Number of receiving buffers
14 1 - 255

It sets the number of receiving buffers in use.

DMA-RXBUF: Number of dma receive buffers.
1 1 - 255

It sets the number of dma receive buffers in use.

DMA-TXBUF: Number of transmission buffers
1 1 - 255

It sets the number of transmission buffers in use.

MPX: VOICE/DATA multiplexing activation.

It allows to activate the VOICE/DATA multiplexing.

Statistics of the synchronous ports top

Example of how to check the state and statistics of SYNC ports through the command D S.

[18:17:22] ABILIS_CPX: D S PO:1

PO:1   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYNC   STATE:UP          SP:19200          XTAL:X1-1,8MHz   CARD:ESB       
       DTR:UP            DCD:UP            RTS:UP           CTS:UP         
       FIFO:USED         TXSIZE:2          RXSIZE:10       
       CHR        |1364250    |1364138    |FRM        |227367     |227368     |
       CHR-D      |7          |15         |FRM-D      |2          |5          |
       CHR-V      |0          |0          |FRM-V      |0          |0          |
       CHR-C      |1364243    |1364123    |FRM-C      |227365     |227363     |
       RX-OVR     |0          |           |TX-UND     |           |0          |
       BAD-FCS    |0          |           |ABORT      |0          |0          |
       SHORT      |0          |0          |OTHERS     |0          |           |
       LONG-D     |0          |0          |LOST-D     |0          |           |
       LONG-C     |0          |0          |LOST-C     |16         |           |
       LONG-V     |0          |0          |LOST-V     |0          |           |
       CTS-TOUT   |0          |           |

The SYNC ports have no extended statistics, so the execution of the command D SE will show again the not extended statistics in the following format:

[18:17:22] ABILIS_CPX: D SE PO:1

PO:1   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYNC   --- Cleared 003:21:49:21 ago, on 12/05/2000 at 12:11:40 ----------------
       CHR        |1364442    |1364330    |FRM        |227399     |227400     |
       CHR-D      |7          |15         |FRM-D      |2          |5          |
       CHR-V      |0          |0          |FRM-V      |0          |0          |
       CHR-C      |1364435    |1364315    |FRM-C      |227397     |227395     |
       RX-OVR     |0          |           |TX-UND     |           |0          |
       BAD-FCS    |0          |           |ABORT      |0          |0          |
       SHORT      |0          |0          |OTHERS     |0          |           |
       LONG-D     |0          |0          |LOST-D     |0          |           |
       LONG-C     |0          |0          |LOST-C     |16         |           |
       LONG-V     |0          |0          |LOST-V     |0          |           |
       CTS-TOUT   |0          |           |

The information "Cleared DDD:HH:MM:SS ago, at DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS", referred by the extended statistics, shows either the elapsed time from the last reset of the statistics (by the format "days:hours:minutes:seconds") and date/time of its execution (by the format "day/month/year" and "hours:minutes:seconds").

Details of the state fields and SYNC ports statistics

STATE: Current state of Level 1 driver

It reports the current state of the SYNC Level 1 driver.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Events Log LCD Display
SYNC DOWN The port is not active dn
UP Level 1 is active UP
HALTED The port is not working HT
ERR Software error. Contact Abilis service. NA

SP: Exact speed

It reports the exact speed in use.
This is required because not all the values configured in SP: parameter can be precisely generated as internal clock, some rounding is applied and the exact speed is shown here.

XTAL: Xtal oscillator used to generate internal clocks

It reports the xtal oscillator used to generate internal clocks, for informational purpose only.

CARD: Card to which the port belongs

It reports the card to which the port belongs.
The distinction between HSCB and ESB/ESB2 is due to the configuration, while the distinction between ESB and ESB2 depends on the card actually detected by the driver.

DTR: Current state of the signal DTR

It reports the current state of the signal DTR.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Events Log LCD Display
SYNC (DTR signal) DOWN The signal DTR is not active 0 dn 0
UP The signal DTR is active 1 UP 1
N/A The signal state is not available. 2 NA 2

DCD: Current state of the signal DCD

It reports the current state of the signal DCD.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Events Log LCD Display
SYNC (DCD signal) DOWN The signal DCD is not active 0 dn 0
UP The signal DCD is active 1 UP 1
N/A The signal state is not available. 2 NA 2

RTS: Current state of the signal RTS

It reports the current state of the signal RTS.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Events Log LCD Display
SYNC (RTS signal) DOWN The signal RTS is not active      
UP The signal RTS is active      
N/A The signal state is not available.      

CTS: Current state of the signal CTS

It reports the current state of the signal CTS.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Events Log LCD Display
SYNC (CTS signal) DOWN The signal CTS is not active      
UP The signal CTS is active      
N/A The signal state is not available.      

FIFO: State of Level 1 FIFO

FIFO state can be one among the followings:

TXSIZE: Size of the transmitting FIFO
HSCB:4096, ESB/ESB2:0-255

The counter TXSIZE reports the size of the transmitting FIFO.

For HSCB it shows the bytes actually available in the on-board transmit fifo, however because of hw contrain just one frame can be placed there.

For ESB and ESB2 it shows the number of frames of frame length that can be stored in the dma transmit buffer.
It is important to note that the default value 2 is the optimum for voice/dat/link-check priority control, while higher value are better for throughput improvement.
Also note that value 0 is used for a special mode required by SDLC driver and when upper port is SDLC this value can't be changed.

RXSIZE: Size of the receiving FIFO
HSCB:4096, ESB/ESB2:1-255

The counter RXSIZE reports the size of the receiving FIFO.

For HSCB it shows the bytes actually available in the on-board receive fifo that can buffer up to 10 frames or up to RXSIZE bytes, whichever is reached first.

For ESB and ESB2 it shows the number of frames of frame length that can be stored in the dma receive buffer. It is important to note that the receive buffering is optimised on 128 chuncks leading to a more effective buffering, example:
RXSIZE=10, FRAME=2100 -> up to 10 frames 2100 bytes long, or up to 164 frames 128 bytes long.

CHR: Number of received/sent characters.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CHR (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received. The counter CHR (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is sent.

FRM: Number of received/sent frame.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received. The counter FRM (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is sent.

CHR-D: Number of received/sent DATA characters
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CHR-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received. The counter CHR-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is sent.

CHR-C: Number of received/sent Link-Check characters
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CHR-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a Link-Check frame is received. The counter CHR-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a Link-Check frame is sent.

CHR-V: Number of received/sent VOICE characters
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CHR-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received. The counter CHR-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is sent.

FRM-D: Number of received/sent DATA frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received. The counter FRM-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is sent.

FRM-C: Number of received/sent Link-Check frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a Link-Check frame is received. The counter FRM-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a Link-Check frame is sent.

FRM-V: Number of received/sent VOICE frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received. The counter FRM-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is sent.

RX-OVR: Number of "overrun" occurred in the communication board.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter RX-OVR (INPUT) is incremented every time the communication board reports an "overrun" due to the received data.

warning! High values, especially if growing, of this counter could mean either hardware problems of the Abilis CPX or, most probably, communication speed too high.

TX-UND: Number of "underrun" occurred in the communication board.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter TX-UND (OUTPUT) is incremented every time the communication board reports an "underrun" due to the sent DATA.

warning! High value, especially if growing, of this counter could mean either hardware problems of the Abilis CPX or, most probably, communication speed too high.

BAD-FCS: Number of received frames with wrong FCS
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FCS-I is incremented every time the FCS (or CRC) control of a received frame is unsuccessful.

warning! High values, especially if growing, of this counter could mean a bad quality of the transmission line, corrupting the received data. A bad quality turns into a performance lowering and into possible breaks out of the link.

ABORT: Number of aborted received frames or aborted during the transmission.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter ABORT (INPUT) is incremented every time an "abort" event occurs while a frame is received. The counter ABORT (OUTPUT) is incremented every time an "abort" event occurs while a frame is going to be sent.

warning! High values, especially if growing, of this counter could mean a bad quality of the transmission line, corrupting the received data. A bad quality turns into a performance lowering and into possible breaks out of the link.

SHORT: Number of too short frames received
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter SHORT (INPUT) is incremented every time the length of a received frame is smaller than the minimum size (2 bytes without CRC). The counter SHORT (OUTPUT) is incremented if the length of the frame received by upper level is smaller than the minimum size (2 bytes except the CRC).

OTHERS: Number of unknown events occurred
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter OTHER is incremented every time other events, not classifiable in the already mentioned, occur.

LONG-D: Number of too long DATA frames received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-D (INPUT) is incremented every time the DATA frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LON-D (OUTPUT) is incremented if the DATA frame received by the upper level is too long.

LONG-C: Number of too long Link-Check frames received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-C (INPUT) is incremented every time the Link-Check frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LONG-C (OUTPUT) is incremented if the Link-Check frame received by the upper level is too long.

LONG-V: Number of too long VOICE frame received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-V (INPUT) is incremented every time the VOICE frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LONG-V (OUTPUT) is incremented if the VOICE frame received by the upper level is too long.

LOST-D: Number of DATA frames sent and lost
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.

LOST-C: Number of Link-Check frames sent and lost
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a Link-Check frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.

LOST-V: Number of VOICE frames sent and lost
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.

CTS-TOUT: Number of times the CTS time-out has expired.
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CTS-TOUT is incremented every time the CTS time-out expires.

SNMP traps generated for the SYNC ports top

The Abilis CPX Agent sends traps corresponding to the meaningful state changes of the synchronous Level 1.

Trap own code Trap mnemonic SNMP variables referred in the trap Description
29 cxTrapSyncDown cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxSyncDiagState, cxSyncDiagDCD, cxSyncDiagDTR, sysUpTime This kind of trap is generated by the Agent of Abilis CPX, every time the synchronous Level 1 reaches the DOWN state.
30 cxTrapSyncUp cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxSyncDiagState, cxSyncDiagDCD, cxSyncDiagDTR, sysUpTime This kind of trap is generated by the Agent of Abilis CPX, every time the synchronous Level 1 reaches the UP state.

Details of the SNMP variables used by SYNC ports

cxPortIndex SYNC port which the SNMP trap refers to
0 - 999

This variable gives the number of the CPX port which the SNMP trap refers to.

cxPortType Type and description of the SYNC port which the trap refers to
type - description

This variable shows either the port type (in this case SYNC) which the trap refers to, and the description the user could associate to it.

cxSyncDiagState Level 1 state current of the SYNC port which the trap refers to
down(0), up(1), halted(2)

This variable shows the current state of the synchronous Level 1 of the SYNC port which the trap refers to. In the following table is shown the relationship among the state values shown in the SNMP variable and the ones obtained executing the command D S.

Value of the SNMP variable Corresponding state of the PAD port Level 1
down(0) DOWN
up(1) UP
halted(2) HALTED

cxSyncDiagDCD Signal DCD current state of the SYNC port which the trap refers to
down(0), up(1), not-available(2)

This variable shows the current state of the SYNC port signal DCD which the trap refers to. In the following table is shown the relationship among the state values stored in the SNMP variable and the ones obtained executing the command D S.

Value of the SNMP variable Corresponding state of the signal DCD
down(0) DOWN
up(1) UP
not-available(2) N/A

cxSyncDiagDTR Signal DTR current state of the SYNC port which the trap refers to
down(0), up(1), not-available(2)

This variable shows the current state of the SYNC port signal DTR which the trap refers to. In the following table is shown the relationship among the state values stored in the SNMP variable and the ones obtained executing the command D S.

Value of the SNMP variable Corresponding state of the signal DTR
down(0) DOWN
up(1) UP
not-available(2) N/A

sysUpTime Elapsed time since the system started owing to the event occurrence
0 - 4.294.967.295 or "ddd:hh:mm:ss"

This variable stores the elapsed time (in cents of second) since the system start caused by the event occurrence, which has also generated the SNMP traps. This value is usually stored as days:hours:minutes:seconds.

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