The simulation ports of level 3 ISDN (sQ931)

Configuration of the sQ931 ports
Statistics of the Sq931 ports

Configuration of the sQ931 ports top

The Q931 Primary Rate port, for the EPIB board, is labelled, within the Abilis CPX, by the acronym "EPQ931" and it is provided with the parameters described in this chapter.

The following example shows how to display parameters of sQ931 ports.

[14:24:47] ABILIS_CPX: D P PO:SQ931

PO:380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sQ931  LOG:DS      lowpo:96    TYPE:USER     NRTY1:15   DELAY1:30   DELAY2:5

To activate changes made on the parameters displayed by low case characters, it is needed to restart the system; on the contrary for activating changes made on "high case" parameters it is enough to execute the initialisation command INIT PO:.

Detail of the sQ931 port parameters

LOG: Events logging activation and generation of alarm signals
DS NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL, +E

Usually this parameter makes possible to activate/deactivate logging functionalities of meaningful events of the port as well as the detection and signalling of alarms in case of critical events.

The following table shows the available options and the related functionalities usable by the parameter:

Option Meaning
D Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in Debug Log
S Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in the System Log
A Periodic detection of possible alarms. The detected alarms can be displayed the command ALARM VIEW or by the analogous command available on the UTILITY of the LCD display on the front panel
L On alarm detection, acoustic signal generation plus a message on the LCD display. This function depends on activation of alarms detection by the "A" option
T Generation by the Agent SNMP of Abilis CPX of SNMP traps corresponding to any change of the driver state and/or occurring of meaningful events

Beside the already described options the following values are also allowed:

Option Meaning
NO It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are disabled.
ALL It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are enabled.
+E This option added to one or more of the previous ones, extends its (their) set of meaningful events.
The value "ALL+E" activates all the options and extends the set of meaningful events.
The value "NO+E" is meaningless so it is ignored.

Options can be combined together.

Some examples:

By using the characters "+" and "-" as prefix of one or more options is possible to add or delete one or more functionalities without setting from the scratch the value of the parameters.

Some examples:

warning! The changes made on this parameter are immediately activated, without the need of initialization commands.

LOWPO: Identifier of the Abilis CPX lower level port
NONE 1 - 999, NONE

It sets the lower level port; it can only be an EPISDN or EBISDN port type.

The value "NONE" isolates the sQ931 port from the lower level ports.

TYPE: Port type

This parameter sets how the port behaves during the connection establishment.

The port connected to the network is defined NETWORK port; the one connected to the user equipment USER port.

NRTY1: Number of retries (attempts) during phase n.1
15 1 - 255

It sets the number of retries during phase n.1.

DELAY1: Delay between two consecutive retries in phase n.1
30 15 - 255 (in seconds)

It sets the delay between two consecutive retries in phase n.1

DELAY2: Delay between two consecutive retries in phase n.2
5 1 - 255 (in minutes)

It sets the delay between two consecutive retries in phase n.2

Statistics of the sQ931 ports top

How to check the state and statistics of the sQ931 ports through the command D S.

[12:26:04] ABILIS_CPX: D S PO:380 .

PO:380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sQ931  CH: STATE:               CG: [SCG:]              CD: [SCD:]
                           ***  All channels disconnected ***
       FAIL-CALL  |0          |0          |SUCC-CALL  |0          |0          |
       TIME-CALL  |0          |0          |

Extended statistics are also available for Q931 ports. Here is an example on how to check them using the command D SE:

[14:37:07] ABILIS_CPX: D SE PO:380

PO:380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sQ931  --- Cleared 000:01:50:38 ago, on 23/06/2000 at 12:47:34 ----------------
       FAIL-CALL  |0          |0          |SUCC-CALL  |0          |0          |
       TIME-CALL  |0          |0          |

The information "Cleared DDD:HH:MM:SS ago, at DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS", referred by the extended statistics, shows the time interval elapsed from the last reset of statistics (by the format "days:hours:minutes:seconds") and date/time of its execution (by the format "day:month:year" and "hours:minutes:seconds").

Detail of the state field and statistics of the sQ931 ports

CH: Identifier of the B channel
1 - 31

Identifier of the sQ931 channel, whose state is not the 00-DISCONNECTED. If the channel state would not be 00-DISCONNECTED, the following message will be displayed "*** All channels disconnected ***".

STATE: Current state of the sQ931 channel

The sQ931 port driver can be in one of the following states:

CG: Calling address
from 0 up to 16, digits: 0..9

It shows the calling address.

SCG: Calling sub-address
from 0 up to 8, digits: 0..9

It shows the calling sub-address.

CD: Called address
from 0 up to 16, digits: 0..9

It shows the called address.

SCD: Called sub-address
from 0 up to 8 digits: 0..9

It shows the called sub-address.

FAIL-CALL: Number of incoming/outgoing calls failed on all the channels
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FAIL-CALL (INPUT) shows the number of failed incoming calls on all the channels, while the FAIL-CALL (OUTPUT) the number of the failed outgoing calls.

SUCC-CALL: Number of incoming/outgoing calls successful on all the channels
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter SUCC-CALL (INPUT) shows the number of successful incoming calls on all the channels, while the SUCC-CALL (OUTPUT) the number of the successful outgoing calls.

TIME-CALL: Duration of connections due to incoming/outgoing calls on all the channels
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter TIME-CALL (INPUT) shows the overall duration of connections due to the incoming calls on all the channels, while the TIME-CALL (OUTPUT) the duration of the ones generated by the outgoing calls.

Detail of the extended statistics of the sQ931 ports

FAIL-CALL: These statistics are the same shown in basic command and already explained
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