ISDN-EIR Connections

Revised for CPX 4.1.0.
Configuration of EIR connections
Configuration of EIR groups
Identifiers of remote EIR clusters

Configuration of TDM switches

Configuration of EIR connections top

The EIR routings table can store up to 100 routing definitions, indexed from 0 up to 99. The routing priority index sets the routing verification order for each incoming call.

The verification starts from the routing with priority 0 and continues until a routing is found matching the incoming call or the end of the table is reached.

The priority index for EIR routing is also utilized as a reference for operations of insertion, modification and deletion.

The EIR routings table is automatically maintained with consecutive indexes of priority, that is without "empty" places. Therefore every action of deleting or insertion makes the system to reorder all the table entries.

It is possible to modify the EIR routings table during the operation of Abilis CPX without the need to restart it. The modifications effected in the table are activated immediately with the command INIT ER.

All the commands for the manipulation of the EIR routings table are described in the EIR Routings section of the chapter Commands relating to the Enhanced ISDN Router. Available commands are the following:


Example of a view of all the EIR routings in a short format (values are examples).

[18:56:10] ABILIS CPX: D ER

PR |TYPE|NEXT     |POI/SR  |POO/DS  |CDI                 |CDO   
   |    |ID-DT-MC/SP-VOL-LVOL-SC    |CGI                 |CGO   
   |    |                           |SDI                 |SDO   
   |    |                           |SGI                 |SGO   
   |    |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA NO        292      200      *                    *
                                     *                    *
                                     *                    *
                                     PBX*                 *
1   DATA NO        G5       200      98765                *
2   DATA UNLIMITED 200      292      'albacom'            10062'CDI'
3   DATA NO        200      292      *                    *
4   VtoC NO        G6       CPXTEM   99*                  'CDI.S3'
         4800  8  8  NO              *                    *
5   TR   NO        *        G2       90588*               'CDI.S2'
6   VtoC NO        G6       CPXTEM   9*                   'CDI.S2'
7   CtoC NO        CPXTEM   CPXTEM   9*                   'CDI.S2'
                                     *                    *
                                     *                    *
                                     DISABLED             *
8   CtoV NO        CPXTEM   291      *                    *
9   CtoV NO        LUX      285      0376390774           'CDI.S2'
         6400  8  8  YES             *                    *
10  CtoV NO        *        G1       0376397398           'CDI.S2'

This short representation will not display information about parameters set to their default values. Such information is displayed only if the parameters are set to not default values. In this way representation of one EIR routing is usually contained in a row.

Example of a view of all the EIR routings in extended format:

[18:41:46] ABILIS_CPX: D ERE

PR:0   TYPE:DATA POI:292     CDI:*                    SDI:*   
NEXT:N                       CGI:*                    SGI:PBX*   
                 POO:200     CDO:*                    SDO:*   
                             CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   
PR:1   TYPE:DATA POI:G5      CDI:98765                SDI:*   
NEXT:N                       CGI:*                    SGI:*   
                 POO:200     CDO:*                    SDO:*   
                             CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   
PR:2   TYPE:DATA POI:200     CDI:'albacom'            SDI:*   
NEXT:U                       CGI:*                    SGI:*   
                 POO:292     CDO:10062'CDI'           SDO:*   
                             CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   
PR:3   TYPE:DATA POI:200     CDI:*                    SDI:*   
NEXT:N                       CGI:*                    SGI:*   
                 POO:292     CDO:*                    SDO:*   
                             CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   
PR:4   TYPE:VtoC POI:G6      CDI:99*                  SDI:*   
NEXT:N SP:4800               CGI:*                    SGI:*   
       VOL:8     DS:CPXTEM   CDO:'CDI.S3'             SDO:*   
       LVOL:8    SC:NO       CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   
PR:5   TYPE:TR   POI:*       CDI:90588*               SDI:*   
NEXT:N                       CGI:*                    SGI:*   
                 POO:G2      CDO:'CDI.S2'             SDO:*   
                             CGO:*                    SGO:*   
       TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#   

Detail of the EIR connection parameters

PR: Priority of the EIR routing; priority 0 (zero) is the highest
none from 0 to 99

It represents the EIR routing priority index. The priority establishes the order in which EIR routings are verified for each incoming call.

The verification goes out from the EIR routing with priority 0 and continues until a routing is found which satisfies the incoming call, or else the end of the table is reached.

The priority index for EIR routing is also utilized as a reference for operations of insertion, modification and deletion.

The EIR routing table is automatically maintained with consecutive indices of priority, i.e. without any "empty spaces", therefore every action of cancellation or insertion causes a rearrangement of all the indices following the one which is being referred to.

TYPE: Type of EIR connection requested
TR TR, VtoC, CtoV, CtoC, DATA, Clus

It identifies the type of EIR routing and the type of "information" which can travel on the connection corresponding to it.

The types of routing are as follows:

Type Meaning
TR routing for transparent VOICE connection;
VtoC routing for compressed VOICE connection;
CtoV routing for compressed VOICE connection;
CtoC routing for compressed VOICE connection;
DATA routing for DATA connection;
Clus routing for Clusters.

NEXT: Enable search of an alternative routing
N (NO) N (No), L (Limited), U (Unlimited), T (Transfer)

It sets up the possibility of carrying out a search for an alternative routing in the EIR routings table, in the event of failure of the call attempted with the routing under consideration.

The search for an alternative routing proceeds by starting from the routing with priority that is subsequent to the one used earlier and is always based on the data present in the incoming call. If the data of the call are suitable for a new routing, a new attempt at connecting is put into effect, using the information configured in this new matching routing.

In the case of the procedure for searching for an alternative routing, the user can recognize, from the Events Log, all earlier attempts successfully carried through to the end and also final failure in attempts at connecting.

The admitted values are the following:

Value Meaning
N (No) In the event of failure of the routing, no procedure for seeking an alternative routing is put into effect.
L (Limited) The process of searching for an alternative routing is only activated in the instance where the call attempted with the routing under consideration fails, owing to causes attributed to a temporary unavailability of the service (network out of service, all channels engaged, etc....).
U (Unlimited) The process of searching for an alternative routing is activated for all the causes except USER BUSY and NO USER RESPONDING USER ALERTED, and starting from the next routing continues until the routings present in the table are used up.
T (Transfer) The process of searching for an alternative routing is activated for ANY the cause, and starting from the next routing continues until the routings present in the table are used up.

POI: Port or entry group of the call (Only for TYPE:TR/VtoC/DATA/Clus)
NONE 0 - 999, *, #, NONE, G1 - G31, G*

It establishes the port or the group of ports from where the call must enter in order to satisfy the routing.

If a port number is indicated, it must correspond with a port of type EBQ931 or EpQ931 which is active inside the system.

The string "*" is utilized to specify "any port".

If the identifier of an EIR group is indicated, it must correspond with a group among those configured in the table of EIR groups.

The value "G*" is utilized to specify "any group".

The value "NONE" or the string "#", stands for "no port and no group of ports" and can be utilized to deactivate the routing without cancelling it.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type TR, VtoC, DATA or Clus.

SR: Identification of the remote EIR from where the call has originated; (Only for TYPE: CtoV/CtoC)
# from 1 up to 8 characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '_' (underlined), *, #, 'List'

It establishes the remote EIR cluster from where the call must arrive to satisfy the routing.

If the filed is set to "*" string only, whichever remote EIR Cluster it comes from, the call can be accepted.

The value "#" stands for "no EIR cluster" and can be used to deactivate the routing.

The specification of an element list, of type EC (list of identifications of EIR Clusters) or RU (Rule) or MR (Master Rule), is also accepted. The name of the list must always be included between apostrophe characters and must correspond to a list already present at the time of the setting-up of the routing.

The parameter is made visible and is only configured if the connection is of type CtoV or CtoC.

CDI: Called number of the incoming call
00 from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', *, ?, #, 'List'

It enables the user to specify which number being called satisfies the routing.

If the field is set to the "#" string, then no called number must be present in the incoming call to satisfy the routing.

If the field is set to the "*" string, any called number will satisfy the routing.
The '*' (asterisk) character can also be used at the beginning or at the end of a sequence of digits with the meaning of "any digit and any number of digits" (E.g.: "123*" or "*321").

The '*' (asterisk) character can appear only once and at the beginning or the end of a sequence of digits only. For example the following expressions are not allowed: "0123*23" and "*23*"

If the field is set to the "?" string, then the routing is satisfied by any called number made up of only one digit.
The '?' (question mark) character can also be used in a sequence of numbers with the meaning of "any digit" (E.g.: "?654" or "1234???"). One or more '?' (question mark) characters can be used in a sequence of digits along with the '*' (asterisk) character (E.g.: "*2??35?" or "15??74*").

The specification of an element list, of type IN (list of ISDN numbers) or RU (Rule), or MR (Master Rule), is also accepted. The name of the list must always be included between apostrophe characters and must correspond to a list already present at the time of the setting-up of the routing.

SDI: Called Sub-address of the incoming call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', *, ?, #, 'List'

It enables the user to specify which sub-address being called is acceptable for the routing.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then no called sub-address must be present in the incoming call in order to satisfy the routing.

If the field is set to the "*" string, any called sub-address will satisfy the routing.
The '*' (asterisk) character can also be used at the beginning or at the end of a sequence of digits with the meaning of "any digit/letter and any number of digits/letters" (E.g.: "1AAA3*" or "*bc321").

The '*' (asterisk) character can appear only once and at the beginning or the end of a sequence of digits/letters only. For example the following expressions are not allowed: "0ab3*23" and "*2cdf3*"

If the field is set to the "?" string, then the routing is satisfied by any called sub-address made up of only one digit/letter.
The '?' (question mark) character can also be used in a sequence of digits/letters with the meaning of "any digit or any letters" (E.g.: "?6AA54" or "ABC1234???"). One or more '?' (question mark) characters can be used in a sequence of digits/letters along with the '*' (asterisk) character (E.g.: "*A2??3B5?" or "1A5??7C4*").

The specification of an element list, of type IN (list of ISDN numbers) or IS (list of ISDN sub-addresses) or RU (Rule), or MR (Master Rule), is also accepted. The name of the list must always be included between apostrophe characters and must correspond to a list already present at the time of the setting-up of the routing.

CGI: Calling address of the incoming call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', *, ?, #, 'List'

It enables the user to specify which calling address satisfies the routing.

If the field is set to the "#" string, then no calling number must be present in the incoming call to satisfy the routing.

If the field is set to the "*" string, any calling number will satisfy the routing.
The '*' (asterisk) character can also be used at the beginning or at the end of a sequence of digits with the meaning of "any digit and any number of digits" (E.g.: "123*" or "*321").

The '*' (asterisk) character can appear only once and at the beginning or the end of a sequence of digits only. For example the following expressions are not allowed: "0123*23" and "*23*"

If the field is set to the "?" string, then the routing is satisfied by any calling number made up of only one digit.
The '?' (question mark) character can also be used in a sequence of numbers with the meaning of "any digit" (E.g.: "?654" or "1234???"). One or more '?' (question mark) characters can be used in a sequence of digits along with the '*' (asterisk) character (E.g.: "*2??35?" or "15??74*").

The specification of an element list, of type IN (list of ISDN numbers) or RU (Rule), or MR (Master Rule), is also accepted. The name of the list must always be included between apostrophe characters and must correspond to a list already present at the time of the setting-up of the routing.

SGI: Calling sub-address of the incoming call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', *, ?, #, 'List'

It enables user to specify which calling sub-address satisfies the routing.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then no calling sub-address must be present in the incoming call in order to satisfy the routing.

If the field is set to the "*" string, any calling sub-address will satisfy the routing.
The '*' (asterisk) character can also be used at the beginning or at the end of a sequence of digits with the meaning of "any digit/letter and any number of digits/letters" (E.g.: "1AAA3*" or "*bc321").

The '*' (asterisk) character can appear only once and at the beginning or the end of a sequence of digits/letters only. For example the following expressions are not allowed: "0ab3*23" and "*2cdf3*"

If the field is set to the "?" string, then the routing is satisfied by any calling sub-address made up of only one digit/letter.
The '?' (question mark) character can also be used in a sequence of digits/letters with the meaning of "any digit or any letters" (E.g.: "?6AA54" or "ABC1234???"). One or more '?' (question mark) characters can be used in a sequence of digits/letters along with the '*' (asterisk) character (E.g.: "*A2??3B5?" or "1A5??7C4*").

The specification of an element list, of type IN (list of ISDN numbers) or IS (list of ISDN sub-addresses) or RU (Rule), or MR (Master Rule), is also accepted. The name of the list must always be included between apostrophe characters and must correspond to a list already present at the time of the setting-up of the routing.

POO: Port or exit group of the call (Only for TYPE:TR/CtoV/DATA/Clus)
NONE 0-999, #, NONE, G1 - G32

It establishes the port or the group of ports from where the call which has satisfied the routing, must come out.

If a port number is indicated, it must correspond to a port of type EBQ931 or EPQ931 which is active inside the system.

The value "NONE" or the string "#", stands for "no port and no group of ports" and can be used to refuse unwanted calls via this routing.

If the identifier of an EIR group is indicated, it must correspond with a group among those configured in the table of EIR groups.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type TR, CtoV, DATA or Clus.

DS: Identification of the remote EIR of the destination of the call (Only for TYPE: VtoC/CtoC)
# from 1 up to 8 characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '_' (underlined), #

It establishes the remote EIR cluster to where the call which originated from the routing must now be forwarded.

The value "#" serves to deactivate the routing since it takes on the meaning of "no remote EIR cluster".

The parameter is visualized and can be configured only if the connection is of type VtoC or CtoC.

CDO: Called address of the outgoing call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', *, #, 'macro'

It enables to specify the called address of the outgoing call.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then the called address of the outgoing call will be left empty.

If the filed is set to "*" string, then the called address of the incoming call, is transferred without modifications in the outgoing call.

If the field is set to a sequence of characters, the called address of the incoming call is completely replaced in the outgoing call, with the values specified in "CDO:".

In contrast to the parameter CDI: described above, the '?' (question mark) character cannot be used in the field "CDO:", and the '*' (asterisk) character can only appear on its own.

The specification of peculiar expressions, called macro-instructions is also allowed. They must always be included between apostrophe characters and can contain the neither '*' (asterisk) character or '#' (pound) character.

A macro-instruction can only contain:

Sequence Operative meaning
yyy.Sxx take the characters of field "yyy" starting from position "xx".
yyy.Lxx take up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", starting from the leftmost.
yyy.Rxx take up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", staring from the rightmost.

The following table contains examples of macro-instructions and the explanation of their operative meaning in the composition of the called address field by the outgoing call:

Configuration sequence Operative meaning of the macro-instruction
CDO:'SGI' The called address field of the outgoing call will contain the same value as is contained in the field for the called sub-address of the incoming call.
CDO:1023'SGI' The called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call.
CDO:1023'SGI.S02' The called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the 2nd character (.S02).
CDO:1023'SGI.R02' The called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by at most two characters taken from the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the right most (.R02).

In the eventuality that from the application of the macro-instruction, the resulting "CDO:" is longer than the maximum allowed value (i.e. 20 characters), the obtained sequence will be truncated.

If the macro-instruction has a syntax error it is refused by the configuration procedure with an appropriate error message.

If on the other hand the macro-instruction, although grammatically correct, contains instructions which do not make sense or cannot be applied, it will be ignored.

SDO: Called sub-address of the outgoing call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '_' (underline), *, #, 'macro'.

It enables the user to specify the called sub-address by the outgoing call.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then the called sub-address of the outgoing call will be left empty.

If the filed is set to "*" string, then the called sub-address of the incoming call, is transferred without modifications in the outgoing call.

If the field is set to a sequence of characters, the called sub-address of the incoming call is completely replaced in the outgoing call, with the values specified in "SDO:".

In contrast to the parameter SDI: described above, the '?' (question mark) character cannot be used in the field "SDO:", and the '*' (asterisk) character can only appear on its own.

The specification of peculiar expressions, called macro-instructions is also allowed. They must always be included between apostrophe characters and can contain the neither '*' (asterisk) character or '#' (pound) character.

A macro-instruction can only contain:

Sequence Operative meaning
yyy.Sxx take the characters of field "yyy" starting from position "xx".
yyy.Lxx take up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", starting from the leftmost.
yyy.Rxx take up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", staring from the rightmost.

The following table contains examples of macro-instructions and an explanation of their operative meaning in the composition of the called sub-address field of the outgoing call:

Configuration sequence Operative meaning of the macro-instruction
SDO:'SGI' The called sub-address field of the outgoing call will contain the same value as is contained in the field for the called sub-address of the incoming call.
SDO:AA23'SGI' The called sub-address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "AA23" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call.
SDO:102AA3'SGI.S02' The called sub-address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "102AA3" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the 2nd character (.S02).
SDO:CC1023'SGI.R02' The called sub-address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "CC1023" followed by at most two characters taken from the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the right most (.R02).

In the eventuality that from the application of the macro-instruction, the resulting "SDO:" is longer than the maximum allowed value (i.e. 20 characters), the obtained sequence will be truncated.

If the macro-instruction has a syntax error it is refused by the configuration procedure with an appropriate error message.

If on the other hand the macro-instruction, although grammatically correct, contains instructions which do not make sense or cannot be applied, it will be ignored.

CGO: Calling address of the outgoing call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', *, #, ##, 'macro'

It enables the user to specify the calling address of the outgoing call.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then the calling address of the outgoing call will be left empty.

If the filed is set to "##" string, then the calling address of the outgoing call will be left empty and the "presentation restricted" feature will be set.

If the filed is set to "*" string, then the calling address of the incoming call, is transferred without modifications in the outgoing call.

If the field is set to a sequence of characters, the calling address of the incoming call is completely replaced in the outgoing call, with the values specified in "CGO:".

In contrast to the parameter CGI: described above, the '?' (question mark) character cannot be used in the field "CGO:", and the '*' (asterisk) character can only appear on its own.

The specification of peculiar expressions, called macro-instructions is also allowed. They must always be included between apostrophe characters and can contain the neither '*' (asterisk) character or '#' (pound) character.

Composition rules and meaning are the same explained for the CDO: parameter.

SGO: Calling sub-address of the outgoing call
* from 1 up to 20 characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '_' (underline), *, #, 'macro'

Allows user to specify the calling sub-address of the outgoing call.

If the filed is set to "#" string, then the calling sub-address of the outgoing call will be left empty.

If the filed is set to "*" string, then the calling sub-address of the incoming call, is transferred without modifications in the outgoing call.

If the field is set to a sequence of characters, the calling sub-address of the incoming call is completely replaced in the outgoing call, with the values specified in "SGO:".

In contrast to the parameter SGI: described above, the '?' (question mark) character cannot be used in the field "SGO:", and the '*' (asterisk) character can only appear on its own.

The specification of peculiar expressions, called macro-instructions is also allowed. They must always be included between apostrophe characters and can contain the neither '*' (asterisk) character or '#' (pound) character.

Composition rules and meaning are the same explained for the SDO: parameter.

TI1: - TI5: Time band of validity of the routing
See text ggg-hh1mm1 -hh1 mm1, #

These parameters allow the user to specify up to 5 time bands for which the EIR routing can be used.

The time bands must be indicated in the following form:



is the indication of the day/s of the week in which the routing can be utilized and can assume the following values:

Symbol Meaning
M-F The routing is valid from Monday to Friday;
SAT The routing is only valid on Saturdays;
SUN The routing is only valid on Sundays;
ALL The routing valid on any day of the week Monday-Sunday.
is the indication of the beginning of the hourly interval of the validity of the routing for the indicated day/s;
"hh1" indicates the hour and can take on values between 00 and 23;
"mm1" indicates the minutes and can take on values between 00 and 59;
is the indication of the end of the hourly interval of the validity of the routing for the indicated day/s;
"hh2" indicates the hour and can take on values between 00 and 23;
"mm2" indicates the minutes and can take on values between 00 and 59.

The default value of "TI1:" is "ALL-00:00-23:59" that corresponds with retaining the routing valid on any day of the week (ALL) throughout the day (from 00.00 to 23.59).

The string "#" reported in correspondence with the parameters from "T12:" to "T15:" indicates that such intervals are disabled.

To disable an interval set its value to "#".

SP: Speed of the compressed voice (only for TYPE:VtoC/CtoV)
4800 4800, 6400, 7200, 8000, 9600, 10400, 12800, 16000 (in Kbit/sec.)

It enables the user to set the speed of the compressed voice (in Kbits/sec.).

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type VtoC or CtoV.

VOL: Volume of the exit signal (only for TYPE:VtoC/CtoV)
8 (= 0 db) 1 - 15

It enables the user to set the exit signal volume.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type VtoC or CtoV.

LVOL: Local volume of the exit signal (only for TYPE:VtoC/CtoV)
8 (= 0 db) 1 - 15

It enables the user to set the exit signal local volume.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type VtoC or CtoV.

SC: Indication of the suppression of silent periods (only for TYPE:VtoC/CtoV)

It enables the user to activate the suppression of silent periods on the connection obtained with the routing under consideration.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type VtoC or CtoV.

ID: Identification of the cluster canal (only for TYPE:Clus)
# from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters '0' - '9', 'a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '_' (underlined), #

It enables the setting-up of the identifier of the EIR cluster to be used for the connection.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type Clus.

The value "#", utilized with the meaning of "no EIR cluster", is used to deactivate the routing.

DT: Disconnection time-out (only for TYPE:Clus)
10 1 - 900 (in seconds)

It enables the setting-up of a time-out (in sec.) for disconnections caused by inactivity on the connection which has been obtained with the routing under consideration.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type Clus.

MC: Maximum number of connections on B channel (only for TYPE:Clus)
1 1 - 32

It enables the setting-up of the maximum number of connections on B channel, which can be opened up simultaneously by utilizing the routing under consideration.

In brackets is also given the maximum number of connections on B channel, which can be opened altogether on EIR cluster, the name of which is indicated in the ID: field of the routing.

This value is also made visible in the table of the EIR cluster identifiers, where it is possible to set up for it the value corresponding to the desired amount.

The parameter is made visible and can be configured only if the connection is of type Clus.

Configuration of EIR groups top

The table of the EIR groups can hold up to 32 definitions, indexed starting from 1 up to 31.

The table of EIR groups is not automatically maintained with consecutive indices and can contain "empty" places. Vacancies are assigned when a new entry is going to be created.

The table of the EIR groups can be modified during the operation of Abilis CPX without the need to make it restart. The modifications carried out in the table are made active immediately with the command INIT ER.

All commands for the manipulation of the EIR groups are described in the EIR Groups section of the chapter Commands relating to the Enhanced ISDN Router. The commands available are as follows:


Example of a view of all the EIR groups, shown values are sample values:

[15:46:31] ABILIS_CPX: D EG

ID: SC: R: |P1  P2  P3  P4  |P5  P6  P7  P8  |P9  P10 P11 P12 |P13 P14 P15 P16
1   R   NOR|280 281 .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .
2   R   NOR|282 283 .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .
5   P   LNA|.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .   |.   .   .   .

Detail of the Parameters of the EIR groups

ID: Identification of the EIR group.
no value from 1 to 31

It establishes the EIR group identification index, that is used in the EIR routings to reference a group in POI: and POO: parameters.

The index of the EIR group must be in the range [1 - 31] and is also utilized as a reference for operations of insertion, modification and cancellation.

The table of EIR groups is not automatically maintained with consecutive indices and can contain "empty" places.

Every action of cancellation does not result in a reordering of all the indices following the one being referred to; by consequence, the identification corresponding to the EIR group which has been removed, remains disused.

SC: Scanning ports method
R R, P

It establishes the algorithm with which the ports listed in the EIR group are scanned.

The value "R" stands for "Round-Robin" algorithm and it indicates that the scanning of the ports occurs in a circular manner, ensuring that all of them are fairly utilized.

The value "P", stands for "Priority" algorithm and it is used to indicate that the ports are scanned starting from the first to the last.

R: Try subsequent ports rule

It establishes the rule with which the Enhanced ISDN router will try the connection on the next port listed in the group, in the case that the connection on the previous port fails.

The value "LNA" stands for "Link Not Accessible" and it indicates that the group search continues ONLY after internal disconnection causes.

The value "NOR", stands for "Normal behavior" and it indicates that the group scanning proceeds when the disconnection cause is one of the following:

For additional explanations about disconnection causes see ISDN disconnection codes section.

P1: - P16: Port of the group
NONE 1 - 999, NONE (represented with '.' (dot) character)

They establish the possible destination ports of the EIR connection (which can only be of type EBQ931 or EPQ931).

The value "NONE", that is represented with the '.' (dot) character, stands for "no port" can be used to deactivate the single port of the EIR group.

If a port number is indicated, it must correspond with a port of type EBQ931 or EPQ931, which is configured and active inside the system.

Identifiers of remote EIR clusters top

The table of the identifiers of remote EIR clusters is automatically compiled and maintained up-to-date by the configuration procedures of Abilis CPX. Information are obtained on the base of the values configured in the Enhanced ISDN Router (EIR) port, and in the table of EIR routings.

Only one parameter can be modified by the user and it refers to the maximum number of connections on channel B that can be opened altogether on the EIR Cluster under consideration (MaxConn:).

All commands for the manipulation of the table of the identifiers of remote EIR clusters are described in the EIR Cluster Identifiers section of the Commands relating to the Enhanced ISDN Router chapter. The commands available are as follows:


Example of a view of the table of identifiers of remote EIR clusters:

[18:41:46] ABILIS_CPX: D EID

| Id:      | IntRef: | MaxConn: | Used: |
| CLUS_1   |  1 [01] |    32    |   1   |
| CLUS_2   |  2 [02] |     1    |   2   |

Detail of the parameters of the identifier of remote EIR clusters

Id: Name assigned to the EIR Cluster
no value from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Reports the mnemonic identification which has been associated with the EIR Cluster at the moment of its configuration in the table of the EIR Routings or in the Enhanced ISDN Router port (EIR).

This parameter cannot be modified.

IntRef: Internal numerical identification assigned by the system to the EIR Cluster
no value from 1 to 233

This is the numerical identifier that is automatically assigned by the system to the remote EIR Cluster.

The numerical identification is reported both in decimal and hexadecimal format.

This numerical index is used only inside the system and cannot be used by the user in any way to make a reference to the remote EIR Cluster. For any operation, the user must use the mnemonic reported in the Id: parameter.

This parameter has only an informative meaning and cannot be modified.

MaxConn: Maximum number of connections on channel B which can be opened on the EIR Cluster
32 0 - 32

This parameter enables the planning-out of the maximum number of connections on channel B that can be activated on the EIR Cluster under consideration.

The value of this parameter is used toghether with a similar parameter (MC:) that is available in Clus routings of the table of EIR routings.

Used: Counting of references to the identification
no value 1 - 233

This field shows the number of references to that identifier of remote EIR cluster, i.e. the total number of times that it is present in the configuration of the EIR port and/or in the table of the EIR routings.

This parameter has only an informative meaning and cannot be modified.

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