Commands relating to NAT

Revised for CPX 4.7.0.
Configuration of NAT Alias entries
Initialization commands

Other commands

Configuration of NAT Alias entries top

A NAT Add NAT Alias entry (Administrator)
A NAT PR:xxx [par:val]

This command adds a new entry in the Table of NAT Alias with "PR:xxx" priority and, eventually, it sets the indicated parameters to the specified values.

There can be up to 255 entries in the Table of NAT Alias, therefore the priority value indicated must be in the interval [0 - 254].

If a entry with "PR:xxx" priority already exists in the table and a new entry with the same priority is going to be added, then the old one's priority will be incremented by one (PR:xxx+1).

If the new "PR:xxx" value is higher than the maximum value already existing, then new entry priority will be the maximum one incremented by one.

If the table is full and a new entry is going to be added, then an error message will be displayed "NAT TABLE IS FULL, COMMAND NOT EXECUTED"

Changes made on the Table of NAT Alias are not immediately active. They can be activated by executing the command INIT NAT or by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the NAT port number.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT NAT command or the INIT PO: command.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

C NAT Clear NAT Alias entry (Administrator)
C NAT PR:xxx

This command removes from the Table of NAT Alias the entry, whose priority is "PR:xxx". Priority value must be in the interval [0 - 254]. Entries, whose priority is higher than the deleted one, are decremented by one, so that the table is still contiguous.

If the indicated priority does not match an already existing entry, the following message will be displayed "NAT TABLE ENTRY NOT PRESENT".

If the table is empty, the following message is generated: "NAT TABLE IS EMPTY".

Changes made on the Table of NAT Alias are not immediately active. They can be activated by executing the command INIT NAT or by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the NAT port number.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT NAT command or the INIT PO: command.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

D NAT Display NAT Alias entry (User)
D NAT PR:xxx

This command shows the content of the Table of NAT Alias. It desn't display information about parameters whose values are the default ones. They will be only displayed if their values have been changed from the default ones. In such way, the description of single entry is simply contained in one row.

If the priority is omitted, all defined entries are displayed:

[18:14:08] ABILIS_CPX: D NAT

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

PR: SIDE: ADD: NET:                   ANET:                  SIPP: DIPP: PAT:
               PROT:                  DPO:                   ADPO:
0   IN    DST     10    *     NO    
1   OUT   DST     *     *     NO    
2   IN    DST     10    *     NO    
3   OUT   DST     *     *     NO    
4   IN    SRC     *     *     YES  
5   IN    SRC     *     *     YES  
               TCP                    *                                       
6   IN    DST     *     *     YES  
               UDP                    *                      *                

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT NAT command or the INIT PO: command.

If the table is empty, the message "*** NO NAT ALIAS ENTRIES CONFIGURED ***" is displayed.

Trough specifying a priority value, the command will show the entry identified by the priority "PR:xxx".

[12:41:53] ABILIS_CPX: D NAT PR:4
PR: SIDE: ADD: NET:                   ANET:                  SIPP: DIPP: PAT:
               PROT:                  DPO:                   ADPO:
4   IN    SRC     *     *     YES   

Priority value must be in the interval [0 - 254]. If the priority does not match any entry priority in the table, the message "NAT TABLE ENTRY NOT PRESENT" will be displayed.

For a detailed description of the information displayed, please refer to Configuration of NAT Aliases section of NAT Aliases document.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

M NAT Move NAT Alias entry (Administrator)
M NAT PR:xxx PR:yyy

It changes the NAT Alias entry priority value "PR:xxx" to "PR:yyy". Therefore the entry position, inside the table, will be changed and the whole table will be sorted again to guarantee its contiguity.

Priority values must be in the interval [0 - 254]. If the priority does not match any entry priority in the table, the message "NAT TABLE ENTRY NOT PRESENT" will be displayed.

If the table is empty, the following message is generated: "NAT TABLE IS EMPTY".

Changes made on the Table of NAT Alias are not immediately active. They can be activated by executing the command INIT NAT or by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the NAT port number.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT NAT command or the INIT PO: command.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

S NAT Set NAT Alias entry (Administrator)
S NAT PR:xxx par:val [par:val]

It sets to new values the parameters of the NAT Alias entry specified by "PR:xxx".

Priority value must be in the interval [0 - 254]. If the priority does not match any entry priority in the table, the message "NAT TABLE ENTRY NOT PRESENT" will be displayed.

If the table is empty, the following message is generated: "NAT TABLE IS EMPTY".

The parameters list, defined in the command, is left to right evaluated: the parameters are set one after the other, starting from the leftmost.

If a parameter is bad or its value out of the allowed range or if it is in conflict with the current value of any other parameter, then the command evaluation will terminate: all the parameters evaluated, before the error occurrence, will get the new value, the other ones will not be changed.

For a detailed description of NAT Alias entry parameters, please refer to to Configuration of NAT Aliases section of NAT Aliases document.

Changes made on the Table of NAT Alias are not immediately active. They can be activated by executing the command INIT NAT or by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the NAT port number.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT NAT command or the INIT PO: command.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

Initialization commands top

INIT NAT Init NAT Alias table (User)

It refreshes the NAT static table updating eventual parameters that might have been changed by the user acting on Table of NAT Alias and clears the NAT dynamic table content.

For a detailed description of NAT services, please refer to NAT port section.

If the command is successful the message "COMMAND EXECUTED" is generated, otherwise the one "COMMAND FAILED".

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support NAT services, the following message will be shown "NAT SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

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