Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections

Revised for CPX 4.7.0.
Configuration of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections
Configuration of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups
Configuration of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections

Configuration of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections top

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings can hold up to 64 definitions, indexed starting from 0 up to 63.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings is not automatically maintained with consecutive indices and can contain "empty" places. Vacancies are assigned when a new entry is going to be created.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings can be modified while the Abilis CPX is working without needing to restart it. Changes made in the table are immediately active by executing the command INIT VR.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT VR command.

Commands for handling Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings are described in the Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings section of the chapter Commands relating to the Analogue VOICE Router.

The available commands are the following:


In the following example are displayed all the entries of the table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings. Displayed values are only samples.

[18:14:08] ABILIS_CPX: D VR

ID:  NUM:  NUMO:  GROUP:   POO:   
0    1     *           #    501
1    2     *           #    501
2    160   *           #     60
3    162   *           #     62
4    163   *           #     63
5    161   *           #     61
6    0000  *           #   NONE

info Abilis CPX makes possible also to set Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections by using Data connections in the intermediate routings.

Detail of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection parameters

ID: Fxs/Fxo VOICE routing identifier
no value from 0 up to 63

It represent the index of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE routing identifier and it sets the verifying sequence of entries for each incoming call. The verifying procedure starts from the routing identified by 0 and proceeds until it finds the proper routing for that call or it reaches the end of the table.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings can store up to 64 entries, therefore the routing identifier value must be in the interval [0 - 63]. The table is NOT automatically maintained with consecutive indexes, then Fxs/Fxo VOICE routing definitions may not have sequential identifiers.

The index is also used by the adding, modifying, deleting commands to refer to a given entry.

NUM: Called telephone number
0000 from 1 up to 4 digits, #

Called telephone number to be routed.

The string "#" stands for "no telephone number" and it can be used to deactivate the routing without deleting it.

NUMO: Outgoing telephone number
* from 1 up to 4 digits, *

It allows to set a telephone number to be placed in the outgoing call, instead of the one present in the incoming call (NUM: parameter).

The string "*" stands for "the same telephone number" and it is used when the number present in the incoming call (NUM: parameter) does not have to be changed.

GROUP: Destination group of the connection
# 1 - 15, #, NONE

It sets the index of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE destination group of the connection.

The values "NONE" and "#" stand for "no group". They are used either when it is defined only one destination port for the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection or to deactivate the routing without deleting it.

warning! By setting the parameter GROUP: to a value belonging to the interval [1-15], the parameter POO:, related to the destination port of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection, becomes meaningless and it is automatically set to "NONE".

POO: Destination port of the VOICE connection
none 1 - 999, #, none

It sets the destination port of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection.

The values "NONE" and "#" stand for "no port". They are used either when in the parameter GROUP: it is defined a destination Fxs/Fxo VOICE group for the connection or to deactivate the routing without deleting it.

warning! By setting the parameter GROUP: to a value belonging to the interval [1-15], the parameter POO:, related to the destination port of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection, becomes meaningless and it is automatically set to "NONE".

Configuration of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups top

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups can hold up to 15 definitions, indexed starting from 1 up to 15.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups is not automatically maintained with consecutive indices and can contain "empty" places. Vacancies are assigned when a new entry is going to be created.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups can be modified while the Abilis CPX is working without needing to restart it. Changes made in the table are immediately active by executing the command INIT VR.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT VR command.

Commands for handling the Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups are described in the Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups section of the chapter Commands relating to the Analogue VOICE Router. The available commands are the following:


In the following example are displayed all the entries defined in the table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups. Shown values are only samples.

[18:14:08] ABILIS_CPX: D VG

ID          |1   2   3   4   5  |6  7  8  9  10 |11 12 13 14 15 |16 17 18 19 20
1  VS:R VPx:|60  61  62  63  .  |.  .  .  .  .  |.  .  .  .  .  |.  .  .  .  . 
   DS:R DPx:|1   2   .   .      |               |               |
3  VS:R VPx:|.   .   .   .   .  |.  .  .  .  .  |.  .  .  .  .  |.  .  .  .  . 
   DS:R DPx:|.   .   .   .      |               |               |

Detail of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE group parameters

ID: Fxs/Fxo VOICE group identifier
no value from 1 up to 15

It represent the index of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE group identifier. It is used in the parameter GROUP: of Fxs/Fxo VOICE routings.

The index is also used by the adding, modifying, deleting commands to refer to a given Fxs/Fxo VOICE group.

The table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE groups can store up to 15 entries, therefore the identifier value must be in the interval [1 - 15]. The table is NOT automatically maintained with consecutive indexes, then Fxs/Fxo VOICE group definitions may not have sequential identifiers.

VP1: - VP20: Destination VOICE ports of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection
NONE 0 - 999, NONE ( (represented with '.' (dot) character )

They set the destination VOICE ports of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection. The port value must be in the range [0 - 999] and must correspond to a VOICE port currently configured and active.

Value "NONE" and the string "#" stand for "no port". They are represented with '.' (dot) character and they can be used to deactivate a destination port.

VS: Scanning procedure of the VOICE ports
R R, P

It allows to select the algorithm with which the Analogue VOICE Router will scan the list of VOICE ports configured in the group.

The value "R" stands for "Round-Robin algorithm" and it means that all ports are scanned in a circular way: i.e. all of them are equally used.

The value "P" stands for "Priority algorithm" and it means that all the ports are scanned starting from the first one to the last one.

DP1: - DP4: Destination data ports of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection
NONE 0 - 999, NONE ( (represented with '.' (dot) character )

They set the destination data ports of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connection. The port value must be in the range [0 - 999] and must correspond to a MLM port currently configured and active.

Value "NONE" and the string "#" stand for "no port". They are represented with '.' (dot) character and they can be used to deactivate a destination port.

DS: Scanning procedure of the data ports
R R, P

It allows to select the algorithm with which the Analogue VOICE Router will scan the list of data ports (i.e. ports of MLM type) configured in the group.

The value "R" stands for "Round-Robin algorithm" and it means that all ports are scanned in a circular way: i.e. all of them are equally used.

The value "P" stands for "Priority algorithm" and it means that all the ports are scanned starting from the first one to the last one.

Configuration of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections top

The table of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections can hold up to 32 entries, indexed starting form 0 up to 31.

The table of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections is not automatically maintained with consecutive indices and can contain "empty" places. Vacancies are assigned when a new entry is going to be created.

The table of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections can be modified while the Abilis CPX is working without needing to restart it. Changes made in the table are immediately active by executing the command INIT VR.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT VR command.

Commands for handling Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections are described in the Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections section of the chapter Commands relating to the Analogue VOICE Router. The available commands are the following:


In the following example are displayed some Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections entries. Shown values are only samples.

[18:14:08] ABILIS_CPX: D VD

ID:   PO:   MXBW:    CURBW:  
0     501    NOMAX        0  
1     502    64000    15600  
3    NONE    NOMAX        -

Detail of the Data port for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections

ID: Data port identifier
no value from 0 up to 31

It represent the index of the entry and it sets the verifying sequence of the table of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections, for each incoming call.

The verifying procedure starts from the entry identified by 0 and proceeds until it finds the proper definition for that call or it reaches the end of the table.

The index is also used by the adding, modifying, deleting commands to refer to a given Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections.

The table of Data ports for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections can store up to 32 entries, therefore the identifier value must be in the interval [0 - 31]. The table is NOT automatically maintained with consecutive indexes, then Data port for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections definitions may not have sequential identifiers.

PO: Data port number
NONE 0 - 999, NONE

It sets the CPX port number corresponding to the Data port for the incoming call. The port value must be in the range [0 - 999] and must correspond to a MLM port currently configured and active.

The value "NONE" stands for "no port" and it can be used to deactivate an entry without deleting it.

MXBW: Maximum bandwidth available for Voice traffic
NOMAX 0 - 2048000, NOMAX

It sets the maximum bandwidth that is available for the Voice traffic.

If it is set to "NOMAX", the available bandwidth will be as much as the physical resources can give.

CURBW: Bandwidth currently used by the Voice traffic
- 0 - 2048000

It shows the bandwidth that is currently used by the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections active on the port specified by PO: field.

The value "-" means that the present entry is not currently in use for Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections and it has to be initialized by executing the command INIT VR.

The parameter has informative meaning only and cannot be modified.

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