Commands related to RIP External Routes

Revised for CPX 4.7.0.
RIP External Routes

Other commands

RIP External routes top

A RIP EXTERNAL: Add RIP external route (Administrator)
A RIP EXTERNAL:x.x.x.x/yy PROT:val ACTION:val [METRIC:val]

It adds a new entry to the Table of RIP External Routes, identified by the specified mandatory parameters. The command also sets the eventually indicated parameters to the specified values.

The "EXTERNAL:" parameter corresponds to the external route IP address and mask in Slash Notation (i.e. x.x.x.x/yy).

Valid network IP addresses must always be expressed in Dotted Decimal Notation. The allowed values are shown in the following table:

HEX: 00000000 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF 80000000 - DFFFFFFF
DDN: - -

IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.

Valid values for the network mask must contain sequence of bit set to 1, estimated leaving from the most meaningful bit towards the less meaningful one; therefore they must be in the range [0..32].

Doing the "logical AND" between network IP address and the related network mask, the result should be the network itself.

The "PROT:" parameter represents the Routing protocol and must correspond to a value in the range [ANY, LOCAL, STATIC, RIP].

The "ACTION:val" parameter represents the action associated to this entry and must correspond to a value in the range [IGNORE, ACCEPT].

The IP external network, the protocol and the action values unambiguously identify an entry in the system. Two or more entries with the same IP external network value and the same protocol value cannot be present in the same time in the table. If the indicated values matches an already existing entry, the following message will be displayed "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTE ALREADY PRESENT".

If the table is full, i.e. no free record is currently available, the message "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTEs TABLE IS FULL, COMMAND NOT EXECUTED" will be shown.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the RIP port number.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support RIP services, the following message will be shown "RIP SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

C RIP EXTERNAL: Clear RIP external route (Administrator)
C RIP EXTERNAL:x.x.x.x/yy PROT:val

It deletes the RIP external route entry identified by the specified mandatory parameters.

The "EXTERNAL:" parameter corresponds to the external route IP address and mask in Slash Notation (i.e. x.x.x.x/yy).

Valid network IP addresses must always be expressed in Dotted Decimal Notation. The allowed values are shown in the following table:

HEX: 00000000 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF 80000000 - DFFFFFFF
DDN: - -

IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.

Valid values for the network mask must contain sequence of bit set to 1, estimated leaving from the most meaningful bit towards the less meaningful one; therefore they must be in the range [0..32].

Doing the "logical AND" between network IP address and the related network mask, the result should be the network itself.

The "PROT:" parameter represents the Routing protocol and must correspond to a value in the range [ANY, LOCAL, STATIC, RIP].

The IP external network and protocol values unambiguously identify an entry in the system. Two or more entries with the same IP external network value and the same protocol value cannot be present in the same time in the table. If the indicated entry does not match an already existing entry, the following message will be displayed "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTE NOT PRESENT".

If the table is empty, the following message is generated: "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTEs TABLE IS EMPTY".

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the RIP port number.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support RIP services, the following message will be shown "RIP SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

D RIP EXTERNAL Display RIP external routes table (User)

This command shows the content of the Table of RIP External Routes.

Here is an example of the information shown by the command:


- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

----------------------------------------------   OSPF    ACCEPT          5   LOCAL   IGNORE          1    ANY     ACCEPT         10    ANY     ACCEPT          *

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the RIP port number.

If the table is empty, the message "*** NO RIP EXTERNAL ROUTEs DEFINED ***" will be displayed.

For a detailed description of RIP External Routes table's entry parameters, please refer to the RIP External Routes filter table section.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support RIP services, the following message will be shown "RIP SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

D RIP EXTERNAL: Display RIP external route (User)
D RIP EXTERNAL:x.x.x.x/yy PROT:val

It displays the RIP external route entry identified by the specified mandatory parameters.

The "EXTERNAL:" parameter corresponds to the external route IP address and mask in Slash Notation (i.e. x.x.x.x/yy).

Valid network IP addresses must always be expressed in Dotted Decimal Notation. The allowed values are shown in the following table:

HEX: 00000000 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF 80000000 - DFFFFFFF
DDN: - -

IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.

Valid values for the network mask must contain sequence of bit set to 1, estimated leaving from the most meaningful bit towards the less meaningful one; therefore they must be in the range [0..32].

Doing the "logical AND" between network IP address and the related network mask, the result should be the network itself.

The "PROT:" parameter represents the Routing protocol and must correspond to a value in the range [ANY, LOCAL, STATIC, RIP].


----------------------------------------------   STATIC  ACCEPT          4

The IP external network and protocol values unambiguously identify an entry in the system. Two or more entries with the same IP external network value and the same protocol value cannot be present in the same time in the table. If the indicated entry does not match an already existing entry, the following message will be displayed "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTE NOT PRESENT".

If the table is empty, the message "*** NO RIP EXTERNAL ROUTEs DEFINED ***" will be displayed.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the RIP port number.

For a detailed description of RIP External Routes table's entry parameters, please refer to the RIP External Routes filter table section.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support RIP services, the following message will be shown "RIP SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

S RIP EXTERNAL: Set RIP external route (Administrator)
S RIP EXTERNAL:x.x.x.x/yy PROT:val par:val [par:val]

It sets to new values the parameters of the RIP external route entry identified by the specified mandatory parameters.

The "EXTERNAL:" parameter corresponds to the external route IP address and mask in Slash Notation (i.e. x.x.x.x/yy).

Valid network IP addresses must always be expressed in Dotted Decimal Notation. The allowed values are shown in the following table:

HEX: 00000000 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF 80000000 - DFFFFFFF
DDN: - -

IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.

Valid values for the network mask must contain sequence of bit set to 1, estimated leaving from the most meaningful bit towards the less meaningful one; therefore they must be in the range [0..32].

Doing the "logical AND" between network IP address and the related network mask, the result should be the network itself.

The "PROT:" parameter represents the Routing protocol and must correspond to a value in the range [ANY, LOCAL, STATIC, RIP].

The IP external network and protocol values unambiguously identify an entry in the system. Two or more entries with the same IP external network value and the same protocol value cannot be present in the same time in the table. If the indicated entry does not match an already existing entry, the following message will be displayed "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTE NOT PRESENT".

If the table is empty, the following message is generated: "RIP EXTERNAL ROUTEs TABLE IS EMPTY".

The parameters list, defined in the command, is left to right evaluated: the parameters are set one after the other, starting from the leftmost.

If a parameter is bad or its value out of the allowed range or if it is in conflict with the current value of any other parameter, then the command evaluation will terminate: all the parameters evaluated, before the error occurrence, will get the new value, the other ones will not be changed.

For a detailed description of RIP External Routes table's entry parameters, please refer to the RIP External Routes filter table section.

Changes made on the table of RIP External Routes are not immediately active, they can be activated by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the RIP port number.

The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.

The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed by executing the initialization command.

If the Abilis CPX version, currently in use, does not support RIP services, the following message will be shown "RIP SERVICE NOT PRESENT".

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